You’ll never understand a person until you journey a mile in their shoes. Taking a journey means going from one place to another. Our mission is to take individuals from their world to the worlds of all types of people, of every age, ethnicity, culture, and profession, with the hope that their stories can open eyes, change lives, and empower individuals to respect, love, and accept.
On this journey, which we first embarked upon in January 2014, we want to help the world understand the value one has in simply being a human being. We recognize that so often humans move through the world in a tunnel vision, failing to take the time to truly understand the humanity of the people around them: the idea that every person knows the joy of success, the pain of loss, the excitement of a vision, and the fear of a failure. We want to fight apathy with empathy, and knock down barriers of judgment and misunderstanding.
We see a world without hate, apathy, or judgment. Join us in this endeavor to reach that world. Reflect upon your own authentic journey and take the time listen to the stories of those around you - from the barista that makes your coffee, to the homeless man on the street, to the CEO of your company.
Listen to the journeys, learn from the stories, love the journey makers, and live your own journey to the fullest.
Much love,
Journey in their Shoes